Understanding optimal D.Va play and executing it are two different things entirely, and this guide is primarily oriented towards merely outlining optimal D.Va play. If you read and study this guide with care, you won’t always play D.Va optimally, but you may begin to understand where you came up short.
At this time only a handful of professional players play D.Va anywhere near optimally. At that time, she was used, but far, far from optimally. Her greatest use was largely during her overpowered state in Season 3. The Advanced Introductionĭ.Va is - at this time - a poorly understood hero, at least in North America. By picking her fights carefully, and using her Defense Matrix to support her team, D.Va is a fantastic hero for any player that likes to rapidly oscillate between offensive and supportive roles.
Her one weakness is her large headshot hitbox. With high armor, a large health pool, and a second life in the form of pilot mode, D.Va probably has the highest survivability in the game. At longer ranges, D.Va is an invaluable asset to her team, capable of intercepting all kinds of projectiles and hitscan weapons with her incredibly useful Defense Matrix. Overwatch D.Va Advanced Guide by Larknok1#1804ĭ.Va is a high mobility, high utility tank that often gets categorized as a “brawler,” or an “off-tank.” Using her high mobility, she can chase down almost any other hero in the game, delivering fair but consistent damage with her rapid-fire hitscan shotguns at close range.